Tuesday, October 13, 2009

UBER rich

And now the Wall Street automotive report, sponsored by Country Saab.

Al Gore started it, Bush approved it and Obama signed it.

Last week, the US government approved a $528 million loan from the U.S. Energy Department to Fisker Automotive Group, a start up automotive company based in California.

The car Americans are investing in costs $89,000, reach top speeds over 150MPH and go 330 miles without a charge.

A Toyota Prius for the UBER rich.

Production is being planned in Finland some 4200 miles away from Washington DC.

But no worries folks, the 528 million are part of the billions in TARP funds we put on the coffee table sometime last November.

They say good things happen to those that show up... Fisker wasted no time, with check in hand even Walt Disney couldn’t top the joy Fisker executives experienced on their way home.

This is Robb LoForese

WTBQ - "Our Town" Morning Show

Weekly WSA Feature - Each morning on WTBQ 1110AM and 99.1 FM

October 13, 2009

V.O.> Robb

And now the wall street automotive report sponsored by Country Saab of Orange County

What’s in a number? Well if you’re in the auto industry… numbers (after great products) are really all you have..

Over the next few weeks, Ford Motor Company will announce its 3rd quarter results … and guess what ..

Ford’s numbers will be very strong.

That’s because a few years ago.. Ford’s great grandson hired Alain Mulany as his CEO and unlike many CEO’s on Wall Street; Mr. Mulany did exactly what Chief Executives are paid to do…

Improve the numbers.

And he’s just getting started…

In the past investors talked of “blue chip” stocks, however today you would be hard pressed to find any formal definition..

So please let me provide one.

Blue Chip..

Defined within a Big Blue Oval,

Called Ford Motor Company.

This is Robb LoForese

Friday, March 13, 2009

Executive Over-Exposure Takes Its Toll

Similar to x-rays, executive over-exposure can kill you.

Some executives know how to limit their time under the guy while others simply bask in the problems. Blame it on incompetent corporate communications, over-whelming personal ambitions, miss-trust of those around you or money, eventually the traffic in the rear view mirror becomes such a distraction, you simply can’t drive forward.

When is it time to step down? When an executive is so over-exposed, their sheer presence fails to project the confidence needed to impact the organization any longer.

Sadly however, beyond the satisfaction of “got ya” by those not supported, it hurts the organization for the simple reason it most likely took him/her so dam long to get there in the first place.

But real talent knows when its time to step aside and let others carry on. Bill Ford comes to mind as a leader whose vision is indeed ahead of whatever title he holds. Having stepped aside as President / CEO, Mr. Ford is much more effective implementing strategies that go way beyond a daily sales pace.

Finally the reward for stepping down becomes personal, the hope that younger executives you created along the way learn something from your courage and isn’t that what leadership is all about on the upper floors.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Press Release - January 3, 2009 - Immediate release - The Times Herald Record, NY Times, Automotive News, MSNBC (web casts).

The Wall Street Automotive Report daily format.

Robb LoForese, editor/publisher - The Wall Street Automotive Report, will be broadcasting each mornings on WTBQ, NY Radio 1110AM / 99.1 FM on "Our Town" morning show. Robb LoForese states "The Wall Street Automotive Report segment will feature up to date news and developments on the Auto Industry - from the Board Room - down to the car in your driveway."

Additionally Robb LoForese has teamed with Scott Valenti, an Investment Advisor creating a new radio show called "Wall Street, Main Street, Your Driveway" a full one hour news format, Saturday's 4PM - WTBQ, NY Radio 1110AM / 99.1 FM. Sponsors include Country Saab of Orange County and PKS Investments.

Contact Robb LoForese, WTBQ Studio 845-651-1110 or Rloforese@msn.com